lørdag 16. april 2011

Fearless american conquers Norwegian wilderness

These clips are from last easter, when Matt had his first experiences with a Norwegian cross country skitrip:) I decided to post these, and show you how nice it can be here around easter, because this year we have the suckiest easterweater I've ever seen! I'm gonna show you exactly how bad it is later, when I get some rain-footage. Until then, enjoy this piece of viking holiday documentary.

lørdag 9. april 2011

Viking railway

Here are some facts about the norwegian railway system! The first Norwegian locomotive railway, was opened on September 1st, 1854. Norwegian State Railways was formally founded in 1883. In 1890 the Norwegian Parliament decided to restart railway projects in Norway, after seven years of complete stop. A lot of lines were constructed in the years to come, and the nation got some kind of a railway network, with Oslo as a centre. The main lines were completed gradually with the Bergen Line in 1909, the Dovre Line in 1921, the Nordland Line to Mo i Rana in 1942 and the Sørland Line in 1944. After World War II the expansion of the railway network practically stopped, with the sole exception of the work to get the Nordland Line to Bodø (which is very close to where I live), a task first completed in 1962.
God, I love wikipedia. Makes me look smart.

I don't take the train a whole lot on a day to day basis (mostly cause I got my sweet ass car), but when I visit Trondheim, or the weather is to bad to drive over the mountainpasses, the train is an excellent alternative. If you're lucky, and plan ahead, you can go all across the country for less than 40 bucks. If you got time, and a good travelbuddy, it's a great way to travel. You get to see beautiful scenery and can relax completely. AND it's good for the environment! I took the train to Mo I Rana at the beginning of this week, and naturally took it upon myself to document some of the ride.

How vikings do jelloshots...

fredag 1. april 2011

For crying out loud!!

Yeah, this is gonna be another blogging about snow. Cause it's getting ridiculous. Marsh is known for being the snowyest month of the year, but I didn't think it was gonna get this bad! It's been snowing every damn day for weeks, and it just keeps coming. The local "experts" say we haven't had this much snow in at least 14 years, and it's about to reach 6,5 feet. They also say that we've gotten double the amount of snow we usually get this month, and it has snowed just as much in Marsh as it did through all of November, December, January and February combined. Here are some pics from around our house, and of course a video;) Mind you, this is not an average viking winter;)

I was very careful not to park my car right in front of the house...

An accident waiting to happen!

Whoopsie, average viking winter sunbading in progress....how did this get in there?

Not much left of our view....