torsdag 27. oktober 2011


It's pretty......pretty AWESOME:) And it sparkles! All of these were taken in the area around where I work.

Smooooke on the, wait..?

Frosty car

Cool leaves. Get it? Cool..?:P

Yes, I have a thing for frost and water.

Frost on the kajacks and canoes.

Funny how old, rotting leaves can be so beautiful. Frost pimped you right up, leaf!

onsdag 26. oktober 2011

First snow

I took these about a month ago (or maybe it's more like weeks....?) when we had the first snowfall in the mountains. I got excited. Now we still haven't had a snowfall, and this stuff is still taunting us from the mountaintops, with false promises of winter wonderland. And next week is supposed to be real warm. Oh well.

fredag 7. oktober 2011


Here's a youtube video made up of pictures from my little hometown, really shown from it's best side. She's a looker, she is!