søndag 16. januar 2011

Snowy, sunless days of Christmas

When I started collecting pictures and videos for this blog it was what we call "mørketid". I just googled it and found that Wikipedia translates it to Polar nights. I like it! Sounds alot more cheerful then "darktime" (litteral translation). Wikipedia goes on to tell me that instead of daylight/sunlight we have a few hours of what is called polar twilight. "Polar twilight occurs in areas that are located at the inner border of the polar circles, where the sun will be on or below the horizon all day on the winter solstice, although there may still be enough light for normal outdoor activities during civil twilight because of scattering of light by the upper atmosphere and refraction. It happens when there is no true daylight and only civil twilight occurs at the solar culmination. Street-lamps may remain on and one looking out a window from a brightly lit room may see their reflection even at noon, as the level of outdoor illuminance will remain below that of many illuminated indoor spaces. However, it is possible to conduct outdoor activities without any artificial light during the time of civil twilight. Sufferers of Seasonal Affective Disorder will probably resort to therapy with artificial light, as the psychological benefits of daylight require relatively high levels of ambient light (up to 10,000 lux) which are not present in any stage of twilight, thus, the midday twilights experienced anywhere inside the polar circles are still "polar night" in that sense."

Lots of fancy words right there, but let me illustrate for you:)

Don't be confused by the norwegian jibberjabber in the clip below, I swich to english after a bit;)

Yup, that's polar twilight for you. Now this was just before christmas. Over christmas we also had alot of snow. More then we have had in December for years. One day we got about 12 inches in one, non-stop snowfall.

Our family of christmasgnomes (?) suffered under the consequenses of the large snowdrop.
My new car also did not like it much. But in spite of all this snow and whatever kinda twilight, we vikings love christmas, heathens or not, and being without the sun - maybe even snowed in- just adds to our christmas spirit, makes us light more candles, and put an extra log on the fire!

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