onsdag 25. mai 2011

Spring is gross

....nah, I really love spring, I mean I actually, genuinely LOVE it, almost to the point of wanting to hump springs leg. But todays Average Viking Picture is a proof of some of springs not-quite-so-beautifulness (is that even a word?). Frog eggs are slimy little things. I found them while out for a strole, right by the road in the ditch. And I know you all have frogs and frogbabies in the US too, I think you call them tadpoles? Wanna know what we call frog babies in Norway? Butt-trolls. No, I am not joking. Direct translation: butt-trolls (rumpetroll). And no, there is no relation to the previously mentioned trolls of awesomeness, that occur in our fairytales. Frog eggs are not awesome. Just gross.

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