A recent photo. Not much has changed;) |
I realize I haven't really told you guys much about what goes on in my life on a day-to-day basis since I got back from the states in december. I think it's time for an update on the awesomeness that is my life. I spent most of the winter getting a sore behind from sitting on it too much, watching Simpsons, prowling joblistings online (and, as you know, posting stuff in this blog). Not cool! From time to time I worked as a substitute teacher at the local elementary school, and at three different daycare centres. I found that I really enjoy teaching, and for some reason the real noisy and rascally kids are my favourite grades! Might be the rebel within me that sees alot of myself in them. I've also gotten alot more comfortable around small children (they've always been like an alien species to me), which I'm sure will come in handy some day;) After easter break though, I got a more permanent worksituation. I got offered a job at Valnesfjord Helsesportssenter, where I used to work before I went to the states. It's a rehabilitation institution and you can read more about it
here. The rehab unit it devided between three teams that work with different diagnosis groups, and our team does what's called occupational rehab, where we help people with different health issues (physical and psychological) so that they have a better chance of staying at their job/getting back into the jobmarket and/or getting an education. I'm what we call an occupational rehab consultant, so I deal with the practical issues of our patients worklife, and help them map what options and possibilities they have concerning work, and what will be their next step. I love this job, and I'm learning so much every day! But come september I'll be going over to our research department to be a project manager for a project that roughly translates to "Activity against high school dropouts". A manager, mind you! How is it that I've been intrusted with this kind of responsibility?? I carry a Star Wars lunchbox for crying out loud!
What, I can't be a viking AND a jedi knight?
Why was I not informed of this?? |
Well, I got the job, and I am VERY excited for it. I think it's the first time I've been really passionate about a job, and I feel like I will help create something that others can benefit from, and finally get to practice what I was tought when I took my bachelor in Social Work. Our target group is high school kids with a disability of some kind, and/or some kind of social problem, and we'll be working towards preventing them from dropping out of school because of these problems, focusing on physical activity and contributions/awareness from/in the community around every individual. I'll be given quite a bit of freedom to shape the outlining of this project from my own thoughts and ideas and even though I know it's going to be alot of hard work with many moments of frustration, I'm really eager to get started. So that's what's been going on in my worklife. On my own time I try to be as social as I can, but living with my parents in the middle of nowhere has proved to be something of an obsticle in that area. I intend to change that though, as soon as possible. As soon as I found out more about my jobsituation I started looking for a place to live. I just started work again today, after having 3 weeks vacation, and I used alot of that free time to talk to my bank about a loan, and to look at apartments. I'm SO ready to get my own place, but I try to restrain myself so I don't end up buying some dump out of sheer impatience. I found an apartment now though, that I want to place a bid for, so keep all your american fingers crossed that I get it. I'll be moving back to Bodø, where I have the majority of my friends and network, and a bunch of the people I work with live there so the commute won't be too much of a pain (it's about a 40-50 minute drive to work, maybe an hour in wintertime). So yeah, that's where I stand right now. I'll be sure to keep you updated on the livingsituation. As soon as I start moving in somewhere I'm sure I'll post pictures like a crazy person, just out of pure extacy from finally owning my own home. Until then, big viking hugs for all of you!
I don't understand your pillage speak so I'll just say "Face."
SvarSlett-Tyler J
Face right back atcha. I'm sorry my native tounge is too awesome for you commoners:P