fredag 18. januar 2013

I present to you....the sun!

Now starring in a region near me!

Those first rays of sun to touch your face, after months of darkness is the closest thing to godlyness I have ever felt. Pretty positive my superpowers are now restored to full capacity, and my vitamin D reserves has gotten a much needed refill. The upcoming season of full on winter is truely a beautiful one. Remind me, though, that I should really post some pics of not-so-beautiful weather too, as we really have quite a bit of that as well. Until next time!

onsdag 16. januar 2013

Waiting for the sun to return

This was the view from my local gasstation yesterday afternoon. Pretty nice to have something to look at while pretending not to enjoy the petrol fumes too much.

And this I took from where I work. It's a real winter wonderland these days.


torsdag 10. januar 2013

More nature

I promised you some good quality december sunset pictures, didn't I?

From my apartment, just before I returned home for Christmas brake.

Tried to get a closeup of the awesome frost.

My own apartment!:D

After I left the states I had no job, no place to live and things were kind of bleak for a long time. My very sweet and patient parents let me live with them for almost a year while I was searching for both a job and a place of my own. All of those things are now remedied; all is well:) One year ago I bought (!) and moved in to the apartment of awesomeness! Here it is, in pictures....
One of many cat's in the neighborhood. They love peeking in my windows.
Kitchen, where I make magic viking nomnoms.
Hallway. Gotta love my coat hanger tree! Got a bench where that shoerack is now.
Movingday was messy...
My cuckoo-clock:D
The view from my bedroom window<3
Me, having a beer in my bathroom, getting ready for superfuntime:)
The view again...
Gotta love the view!
Best part about moving? All the bubblewrap.
Kitchen nook, winter sun shining...
Love it<3

søndag 6. januar 2013

Meanwhile, in Norway....

Well, the time of blogneglect is over. New year, new chance to become a millionaire from my mad blogging skills. Well, maybe not, but I absolutely DO have a resolution to blog more, and keep whoever reads my ramblings updated on the wild adventures of average viking life. Insidently, it hasn't been very wild as of late, but we all kind of hibernate our wildness in the winter, I think. Or at least I do. These past months have mainly consisted of alot of work, some late night fun at the bar, general Christmas merryment and reading books. I am currently reading a book by australian author Gregory David Roberts called Shantaram. It's based on his amazing time in India, and it completely blows me away. Very much recommended!
The month of december was so cold, and with so little rain or snow that the river that supplies my parents' waterdam froze. Meaning, we used up all the water around the 23rd, and had no water for all of christmas brake, and it's still gone. So in spite of all the beautiful frost and previously mentioned "sunsets" the cold wather created, it was kind of a pain to not be able to shower, brush your teeth or flush the toilet. We made do though, showering and filling up tanks of water at work, and it is now (jan. 6th) raining, so hopefully the dam will fill up agan soon.
Work is good, keeping me busy, but my contract is up in marsh, so I'm out fishing for something new. Got an interview coming up soon, so fingers crossed.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I travelled to Turkey in November. It was nice, quite warm and got to know some good people:) Heres are some pics:
Gotta get a pic with a palmtree, it's mandatory...

Awesome waterslide madness!

So, more blogposts coming up, started one about my trip to Iceland ages ago, gonna finish that soon, I promise! Until then, try to keep the actual pillaging to a minimum:)

torsdag 3. januar 2013

Amazing Polar Sunset

We can't really claim this as a december sunset, as the sun doesnt really rise here, this time of year, but the combination of really cold weather and living north of the arctic circle gave us some amazing afternoon light this past month. These were taken on the darkest day of the year, incidentally the Mayan doomsday;-) Most beautiful doomsday I've ever seen, that's for sure. Wanted to try mobile upload, but I'll post some in better quality later. Enjoy.

Happy New year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, all you bloglurkers out there. My resolutions? Learn how to play the guitar, swing dancing, blog more and be a better person. Cincerely miss Average Viking!

And, No, I did not figure out how to rotate this picture, when uploading from my cell....*snap*


So, not only is this Norwegian christmasornament black, and about as unmerry as it gets, it's a easter knock off!! Is nothing sacred anymore?!