torsdag 10. januar 2013

My own apartment!:D

After I left the states I had no job, no place to live and things were kind of bleak for a long time. My very sweet and patient parents let me live with them for almost a year while I was searching for both a job and a place of my own. All of those things are now remedied; all is well:) One year ago I bought (!) and moved in to the apartment of awesomeness! Here it is, in pictures....
One of many cat's in the neighborhood. They love peeking in my windows.
Kitchen, where I make magic viking nomnoms.
Hallway. Gotta love my coat hanger tree! Got a bench where that shoerack is now.
Movingday was messy...
My cuckoo-clock:D
The view from my bedroom window<3
Me, having a beer in my bathroom, getting ready for superfuntime:)
The view again...
Gotta love the view!
Best part about moving? All the bubblewrap.
Kitchen nook, winter sun shining...
Love it<3

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